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Varieties of Strawberries

There is an entire world of strawberries most of us don’t even know about.

With over 100 varieties of the sweet berry – from the Alba to the Yamaska – they are all unique and oh so berry good. Strawberries are partial to the Northern Hemisphere because of its temperate climate — the luscious berries flourish all over this region.

There are strawberry types, which categorize the varieties of strawberries. The types include June-bearing, day-neutral, and everbearing strawberries. Day neutral strawberry plants produce flowers regardless of the length of the day, which means they continuously grow strawberries over the course of a season. Contrary to their name, everbearing strawberries only produce two or three harvests in an entire year. June-bearing strawberries are pretty self explanatory– they typically produce berries in June over the course of a few weeks.

We will focus on June-bearing strawberries as they produce the largest and most popular strawberries, the true icons of summer!


With a rocking name like Allstar, it has to go first! This variety produces very large and juicy fruit. What more could you ask from a strawberry?

Photo Credit: Sullivan’s Greenhouse

Photo Credit: Sullivan’s Greenhouse



Another large berry with a beautiful name, these strawberries have the familiar heart shape and bright red fruit skin.

Photo Credit: Stark Bro’s

Photo Credit: Stark Bro’s


This particular plant variety hails from our very own New York state! They have a deep red color and work well when frozen because of their firmness, which makes them perfect for an ice cold lemonade!

Photo Credit: Urban Farmer

Photo Credit: Urban Farmer


This plant produces medium sized strawberries with a glossy skin. They are bursting with flavor which makes them ideal for eating fresh.

Photo Credit: Dirt & Veggies

Photo Credit: Dirt & Veggies



These berries are a light red color and are best known for maintaining a large size through multiple harvests.

Photo Credit: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs

Photo Credit: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs


Designed to flourish in the mid-Atlantic and southern climates of the U.S., these strawberries are excellent in every aspect. Great flavor and fragrance, large in size, and firm to the touch.

 Photo Credit: University of Illinois Extension

Photo Credit: University of Illinois Extension

In the spirit of summer, these strawberries would be awfully tasty in a Frosé (frozen Rosé)! Learn how to make your very own wine slushie here.

 Photo Credit: Bon Appétit

Photo Credit: Bon Appétit


Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Now pick your favorite variety so we can make like a strawberry and jam!

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