Nobody’s perfect, not even us over here at Red Velvet NYC!
Everyone’s had their fair share of kitchen mess ups and mishaps, and here at Red Velvet NYC, we’re NO exception! Especially during the craziness that is the holiday season, we’ve been known to burn a few dinners here and there. Here are 5 of our biggest Thanksgiving fails — we’re pretty sure you can avoid them this Thanksgiving!
Teammate: Agathe

Photo Credit: Giphy
Thanksgiving dinner is known for mainly one thing: the turkey! Unfortunately, Agathe’s family decided to switch things up (two years in a row without turkey!) and make duck one year and goose the next.
Teammate: Lisa

Photo Credit: Giphy
Lisa was so excited to host Thanksgiving dinner but after cooking and plating her turkey, she realized that she forgot to take the gizzards out of the bird! Thankfully, the bird was fine and everyone was happy with their delicious meal.
Teammate: Lauren
Lauren got a store bought pie for Thanksgiving (store bought? that’s not the only fail in this story!) – and when she went to bake the pumpkin pie she realized that she baked the plastic right into it. It’s safe to say that this pie was no longer edible!
Teammate: Michelle
Michelle tried out a new recipe for sweet potato casserole – sounds delicious! Unfortunately, she put it in the broiler where it quickly burned. It turned out to be less of a casserole and more of a burnt sweet potato flambé!
Teammate: Catherine
Catherine wanted to make a small pasta dish for an appetizer. She put the pot on the stove to boil water, but got so distracted dicing vegetables that the water boiled, evaporated and eventually the pot started burning!