Happy Friendsgiving!!

Photo Credit: Giphy
One of the best parts about having a potluck is how fun and relaxing it can be. It may seem like hard work to host a potluck, but our how-to guide will help you with every step of the way! Plus, isn’t that what friends are for (sharing food)??
While potlucks don’t necessarily have to have a theme, sometimes it’s fun to have one! Not only is it more fun to decorate when there’s a theme involved, but it makes it easier for guests to know what type of food/beverage to bring – making for a more cohesive menu. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, why not throw a Friendsgiving Potluck?
Your menu is super important, as it will be the star of the night. Make sure that all areas are covered and that there is an actual meal from appetizers to desserts.
Of course, some of your guests might not be chefs or bakers, so leave it to them to bring drinks,plates, utensils or napkins. Everyone at a potluck should have something to contribute!
Now I’m sure you’re wondering, what do you make?! Keep your meal simple but delicious and try some of these recipes:
Nothing is easier than buying some puff pastry or croissant dough from the store and filling it with your favorite flavors. For example, Delish’s Spinach Artichoke Bombs look and sound amazing!
Vegetarian options are always a plus for a potluck, so make sure you have at least a few choices. Not sure what to make? Try this Broccoli Salad from Shugary Sweets.
Keep your main dish simple with these Baked Chicken Parmesan Meatballs from For the Love of Food. Not only do they look delicious, but it’s easy to make enough for everyone to have seconds!

Photo Credit: Red Velvet NYC
For dessert, make something you can easily share. We know a great place where you can get all the ingredients pre-measured and a recipe card delivered to your door. Hint hint 😉

Photo Credit: GIphy